Refund Policy

  • Generally, there are no refunds once they start working on your project.
  • You can cancel the service anytime, but you won’t get a refund for the current month’s work. You need to let them know by email or text.
  • They won’t give refunds if you ignore their advice on SEO or website changes.
  • You also won’t get a refund if you hire another SEO company or try to do your own SEO while they are working for you.
  • They can’t give a refund if you don’t give them access to your website or if your website is broken.
  • There are no refunds for mock-up designs once approved and the project moves forward.
  • Special event services cannot be cancelled unless you give them 30 days notice.
  • You can cancel SEO and other marketing packages with 15 days written notice, but you won’t get a refund for the work done already.
  • They won’t refund projects that have been inactive for more than 30 days.
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